Fully Composable UI

vyan.ai enables Planners or other stakeholders to fully control the look and feel of the platform.

All users have a fully configurable Home Page. Any widget defined by a User or Shared by another User can be added to the Home Page, and positioned as well as sized flexibly.

vyan.ai enables Users to freely define any numbers of Canvas, which can have any number of Pages. Each Canvas Page can be freely defined by the User to layout a set of widgets: Worksheets with multiple tabs, Charts, Alerts, Filters, Processes, Action Buttons, Collaboration Threads, etc. Users can use existing widgets (owned / shared) or create new widgets freely and lay them out any way they would like.

This enables high flexibility similar to the Excel / Tableau type composable environments Planners are used to. All the data displayed in all the widgets comes from an online Cloud high-performance Database, which enables both view and edit of planning data at any level and real-time refresh of all the widgets on the canvas page.


Override Value Prediction


Forecast Level Optimization